Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Islam The Second Largest Religion in the World - 872 Words

With over 1.5 billion followers in the modern day, Islam is the second largest religion in the world only behind Christianity. The word itself means â€Å"peace through the submission of god.† It’s roots date back to the 7th century C.E. in the Middle East and its followers are called Muslims which literally means â€Å"anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of god.† The goal of their religion is to surrender to the will of god in every aspect of their lives and enjoy the resulting peace with god and each other. The name Islam is given by its founder, Muhammad. One of the oldest religions in the world, there are a variety of theories of how exactly Islam was started. To look for the start of Islam in a sacred event, it would most likely be the Night of Power. However, ask any Muslim and they will say that Islam was created when God created the universe and made the first human beings along with it, Adam and Eve. However, the true origins of Islam begin with Muhammad, a prophet or messenger sent by god. He is known as the Seal of the Prophets since he is the last one to have been discovered by god. The story all began in the caves of Mt. Hira. Muhammad frequently visited these caves for solitary meditations and vigils, and on this night, he experienced a profound and disturbing vision. Several versions of the story are then told, but the meaning is all the same. An angelic being, which Muhammad later identifies as the Archangel Gabriel, appeared to him andShow MoreRelatedThree Religions and Three Holy Cities 990 Words   |  4 Pagesof cult ures as well as religions. It has an significant past with three major religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. It is quite remarkable that Southwest Asia has been a holy place for all three, and although it causes turmoil it is important to understand the three religions and their customs. 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